Today we have Talia Lakshmi Kolluri on the show. Talia recently published an amazing collection called “What We Fed to the Manticore,” a series of nine stories all written from the perspective of animals. The book blew me away and, as you’ll hear in our conversation, we have a lot of thoughts about the inner lives of animals. Please enjoy this wonderful and thoughtful conversation.
The Great Derangement Amitov Ghosh
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us Ed Yong
In this episode, we sit down with Reza Nekunamesh, Executive Director of the ICCF. We talk about where to eat in Fresno, what interfaith...
Marilyn Cowley is CEO and founder of PREM PR and Social and if there is someone in town whose opinion on marketing in this...
Today we have Nikiko Masumoto on the show. Masumoto is an organic farmer, memory keeper, and artist. She is Yonsei, a fourth generation Japanese...