Today we have Dr. David Jeffcoach. Dr Jeffcoach is a Trauma and Critical Care surgeon who grew up in the Central Valley. After completing medical school at UC Davis, surgical residency in Tennessee, and trauma fellowship at UCSF-Fresno, he moved with his family to Sodo, Ethiopia where he was the Chair of Surgery and general surgery residency program director for four years at Soddo Christian Hospital. His primary fields of interest are global surgery, surgical education, and trauma systems management. He returned to Fresno and is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at UCSF-Fresno. This is a wide-ranging podcast where we cover a lot of topics, but all around medicine and global health.
Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery Eric Metaxas
The Brothers Karamosov Fyodor Dostoevsky
Resurrection Leo Tolstoy
A quick update on the podcast and plans for season three of our show.
Today, we have Jim Boren on the show. Jim is a journalist, longtime editor of the Fresno Bee, and, most recently, the executive director...
On today’s episode, we have Sara Borjas. Sara is a Fresno poet. Her debut collection of poetry, Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a...