In this episode, we meet D.J. Criner, pastor at Saint Rest Baptist Church. We talk about a lot of things, including growing up in Stockton, how our physical landscapes are related to equity and justice, Greek food, Baptist theology, and much more. Below are some notes from today's podcast and links to a few different ways you can support Fresno's Best.
Books mentioned in the podcast:
The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander
Divided by Faith Michael O. Emerson
The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer
When a Nation Forgets God Erwin W. Lutzer and Eric Metaxas
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership John C. Maxwell and Steven R. Covey
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Today's episode is a repost from my other podcast, History of California Podcast, with Katherine Blunt. Katherine Blunt is a reporter for the Wall...
In this episode, we talk with Deborah Bernal, Literacy Director of Fresno County Libraries. Deborah was, by far, our funniest guest so far, but...
Today we have Benjamin Boone on the program. Boone is an American jazz saxophonist, composer, professor, and U.S. Fulbright Scholar to Ghana (2017-18) and...